ATTENTION: Please choose FedEx as your shipping method. We will only ship the Superconductor Atrium Gen2 as FedEx (or another express shipping method that may be available to your location). If you choose another shipping method that is not FedEx, we will contact you for a shipping upgrade. (If FedEx is not available to your location you may choose EMS).
Notice: In stock, ships within one week.
Well well well… Ladies and Gentlemen we are proud to announce the first Full Superconductor (SC) Atrium Gen2!
This is the first time we ever release a Superconductor design and we couldn’t be more happy with the outcome. The result is a true piece of art, beautifully light etched, polished and balanced. We will tell you right now, whoever gets a chance to get one will not regret, and will probably never sell too. They are just that good. 😌
These stunning pieces showcase original USA Made Superconductor materials, Spinner Body SC made by ‘Copper 444’ and Spinner Buttons material made by ‘Copper Cloud’.
Buttons were adjusted a tad down in size just to adapt to the material size we had, so instead of 25mm these SC Colliders are 24.5mm.
The Atrium Gen 2 design showcases wide and perfectly machined chamfered edges, blended with super subtle curves in the right places, making it extremely comfortable and ergonomic to hold and spin.
Size wise, it measures 48mm in diameter, and sits right in between the Mini Atrium and the OG Atrium. It features the Collider buttons which are very low profile, making it super comfortable to hold in virtually any grip.
This Atrium Gen2 Spinner comes with the following items included:
* 1x 25mm Superconductor Collider Buttons (Stock)
* 1x R188 Deep Space bearing (stock)
* 1x Black Velvet Microfiber Polishing Cloth
* 1x UQH Dark Grey Sleeve Pouch EDC & Storage
* 1x Serialized Certificate of Authenticity (COA Card)
* Material: USA Made Superconductor (SC)
* Finish: Light Etched and Polished
* Weight: ~ 69 grams (with buttons)
* Spinner Size: 48 mm in Diameter
* Buttons Size: 24.5mm in Diameter (Collider)
* Press / Slipfit